
Hue Family Legacy: Generation Red: Chapter 3

Hey hey hey! Look who it is! Merah! I managed to squeeze out this chapter in less than a year! *Gasp* (Unlike last time...) Anyways, as always, there is a link right below so you can refresh your memories. Hope you enjoy, and feedback is appreciated as always! Commence!

Missed Something?


It was a beautiful day.
"Carmine, would you like to go to the park?" Merah asked her daughter.
"Yes, momma!"

"Who's my sweet girl?" Merah said as she held Carmine close.

"Momma! Car!" squealed Carmine.

"Momma! Flower!"
Carmine was learning more and more words every day, and she sure loved to talk!

"Okay, now go play sweety. Stay out of the mud!"

She had her eye on something else, though.

Carmine squealed in delight. "Oh, hello puppy!"

"Momma! Look, puppy!" she called.

Merah decided to play along.
"Hello, Mr.Puppy!"

"He come home?" Carmine asked.
"Sorry, honey. Not today."
It broke Merah's heart to have to say no to her daughter, but she just couldn't afford a pet right now. She was barley making ends meet with just the two of them. She had to stop playing her late night gigs, because she couldn't leave Carmine at home. And the tips she was getting at the park just weren't enough.

Carmine made quite an impression on the little puppy, though.


"I'll be right back. I'm going right outside to throw away the trash."

Merah couldn't help but think he was cute. He had followed them all the way home!

And Carmine really seemed to like him...

Merah would just take the risk...

... And just hope she wasn't making the complete wrong move.

"Apple!" squeaked Carmine when she saw the puppy in her mom's hands.
"No, honey. It's a puppy, remember?"
"Yes. Puppy's name is Apple!" she replied.
"Oh, of course."

"No! Apple!"

Merah threw an old pillow on the floor for Apple's bed, and his dish was an old bowl that she never used.

It wasn't so bad. His food was only $10 for a bag, which lasted about a week. Until, of course, he got bigger. Merah decided to cross that financial bridge when she got to it. 


About a month later, Merah got the call she was dreading.
"Miss Merah Hue?" The voice asked.
"This is she."

The voice on the other side continued, "This is Wanda Blackburn from the Sunset Valley Revenue Bureau. I'm calling about your recent slack in your payments."
Merah swallowed hard. "Is there a problem?"

Mrs. Blackburn let out an audible sigh. "Yes, Miss Hue, there is a problem. Your recent lack of payment has caught the eye of the SVRB. I would like to-"

  "I've only not payed my most recent bill. It isn't even due yet!" Merah clarified.
"Fine. Let me rephrase that. Your recent payment of only the minimum amount has caused some concern." Mrs. Blackburn said, no longer trying to hide her annoyance.

"As I was saying," she continued, "I would like for you to come to my office tomorrow at noon so we can work out an... arrangement. Thank you for your time." Then the line went dead.
This was exactly what Merah needed.



"Momma has to go somewhere darling. But I will be back very soon."
"Okay, Momma! Have fun!
Merah smiled. She knew she wouldn't be having fun at this meeting.

Merah arrived at the small office building right on time. The security guard at the front door directed Merah to a small office at the end of a hallway.
"Ah. Miss Hue. Right on time."

The woman on the other side of the desk was very stern. She also seemed agitated, but was trying futility to hide it. Merah wondered how many other appointments she had before herself.
"Thank you for coming on such short notice. My name is Wanda Blackburn. We spoke on the phone yesterday. I assume you know why you're here."

"Remind me."

"Miss Hue. This will be a pleasant process for the both of us if you just cooperate." Wanda replied with a scowl.

"I'm sorry. I thought it was being quite cooperative, Mrs. Blackburn. You pulled me away from my young daughter this morning, after all." Merah countered.

"That is actually part of the reason you're here."

"Wait. Excuse me?"
What did she just say? Merah thought she was here to explain why she was late on a few of her taxes, not to talk about Carmine.

"Miss Hue, we are - concerned - for the well being of your daughter. Assuming your minimum payments reflects your ability to provide for her." Wanda said.

"Are you insinuating that I can't provide for my daughter because I have only paid the minimum? Which - may I remind you - isn't against any kind of law." Merah fumed.
"Yes, ma'am, I am."
"Ludicrous." Merah spat.

Wanda held her hands up in defense. "The fact is that you are a single woman with a child who is currently unemployed."

"So I'm unmarried! Sue me!" Merah yelled.
"Miss Hue, there is no need to raise your voice. The solution is quite simple. Get. A. Job."

Merah was incredulous. "Do you think I haven't been trying?"

"I suggest that you try harder." Wanda insisted.
With that, Merah stood and started for the door. "Wait! Miss Hue!"

"I think we are done here." Merah said with finality.
"Miss Hue, I didn't want to-"

"Just stay away from my family." Merah spat.
"I will do what I feel is best for the child. I think you should be going now." Wanda returned.

"Gladly." Merah replied over her shoulder.


After she left, Merah went to beg for a job with a band. Right now she as just considered a "fan", whatever that meant. But, she was being payed, which is all that mattered.

"Excuse me miss? Is this seat taken?"

"... I guess not."
Merah found it odd that this man just came up to her.

"Have I seen you in the park before? You always play the guitar? Merah, is it?" The man asked.

"Possibly. I don't recognize you, though. But I was never good with faces." Merah replied. She wasn't in the mood to be civil with neighbors. Usually no one gives her the time of day let alone strike up a conversation.

"Well, I mean..." The man stammered.

Merah cut him off. "And, I'm sorry, but I must have missed your name. I mean, I assume you told me it considering you just sat down like you knew me. I'm sorry. I'm so rude sometimes."
Merah knew she was being sarcastic, but she was already on edge from her meeting with Mrs. Blackburn.

"Pardon me. My name is Connor. I just had to come over here. Its not everyday you see a beautiful woman eating by herself."

"Look, you've got the wrong girl. I'm having a really bad day, and I'm not in the mood. Goodbye."

Connor stood. "I'm really sorry, Merah. You looked so lonely over here, I thought you may have wanted someone to talk to. I'm sorry to bother you. If it's any consolation, I'm sure your day will improve."
Merah couldn't help but smile. It wasn't Connor's fault that she was having a bad day. She was rude to him, and he still wanted to make her feel better. She stood, too.

"Look, I - I'm the one who should apologize. I'm not usually like this, I promise. I shouldn't have been so abrasive." Merah apologized.

"Hey, I get it. We all have those days. Maybe we could get some coffee sometime and talk about it?" Connor ventured.

"I would like that."
Connor was right. Her day had improved.


A few weeks later...

"Come on, Carmine! I know you can do it this time! Steady now."
"Okay, momma."

"That's my girl! I knew you could do it, yeah?" Merah was so proud of Carmine. She was growing up so fast.
"Yes momma! I big girl now!"
A familiar voice sounded. "Merah..."



DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN! Yeah not really a cliffhanger, but sort of... I guess. Hopefully will see another one of these relatively soon, yeah? If anyone is reading this... Hope you enjoyed! Comments always welcome because they make me smile. :)
I'm going to go read now,


  1. Do I have to wait another year for chapter 4??
    Lol, jk but I really like this story and I was so sad when i thought you'd abandoned it.
    Anyway great chapter (and entire story since i just read all of it) I'm really interested to know what'll happen with Blackburn, and Conner, not so much with mom but I guess that could get interesting as well LOL
    Can't wait for the next one

    1. Haha glad you liked it! Hopefully it won't take me a year to get the next chapter out haha...
      Thanks for the comment! :D
