
Moore Family Legacy: 3.4

Hey howdy hey people! I got University Life! And I am currently working on a special chapter of back in the day when India and Maine were in college! I think you'll enjoy it as much as I do! But, for now, here is another regular chapter! Enjoy! :)


Last Time:
Morgan aged up and moved out with Jax, India was pregnant and told Maine she didn't want to get married,  Paxton got old, Snowy (Reina's kitty) died, an evil little ginger named Tuscon was born, Maine busted ghosts, and Paxton and Mac want Maine to propose. COMMENCE.

Missed Something?
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Maine: India, why don't we take a trip to the beach today? Just you and me.

India: I don't like the beach...

Maine: Please? For me?

India: Okay, Maine. But this better not be some crazy attempt to propose.


India: Maine! This IS a crazy attempt to propose! I told you why I didn't want to get married!

India: But if it will make you happy, let's get this over with.
Feelin' the love.

Indy doesn't do well with organic life forms, but she does love Maine.


By the way, Mura was pregnant. So kittens!

Well, one kitten. A girl named Schmidt. Haha that's my cat's name! (Her look changes later because my most current save file was corrupted and I had to replay a lot, including her birth.)


Oh, and India is pregnant again, too. They'll be having the wedding after the birth.



PT Time!


India: A bachelorette party? Really? Okay... let's get this over with...

India doesn't have many friends because she's kind of a recluse... But this lady is a friend of someones (Alexis?) who I invited for some reason...
Chick: Booo! This is going to suck!

Jax: Ack! Wha- Why?

Jax: Snaggletooth! NOW IS NOT THE TI- Ack! This is VERY INAPPROPRIATE!
... Real catch, Morgan. Really...

Paxton got a little caught up in the moment. (And what is happening in the background?)

Alexis: Everyone gather around! It's time to make a toast to the bride!

Alexis: India has found herself a great guy.

Alexis: And even though this is a little unorthodox because they already have one child, and are expecting another...

Alexis: We're not going to think about that. Instead we will wish them all the happiness in the world.

Alexis: Now let's party some more!
That was so heartfelt... I can feel the love...

Alexis: Looking good, dad.
Mac: I know.

So close


Maine: You almost ready to come out, little girl?

India: How do you know it will be a girl?
Maine: A father knows these things, love.
We shall see...


This is Zelda Moore! Looks like Maine was right!
India: Not quite...

Oh yeah. Because there is TWO MORE...
Second was Maerwen Moore.
And last is Bijou Moore.


Of course I had to age them up right away!


Here is Zelda, who got her blue eyes and ginger hair from Maine.

Here is Maerwen, who got her grandfather's green hair (!!!) and Maine's blue eyes.
(I died when I saw she had the green hair because her namesake has green hair!)

And here is Bijou, who got her ginger hair from her Grandmother, (Maine's mother- yes he has a mother and yes it is a different ginger) and her green eyes from India.
 I am quite pleased how they all look different!


What's up?
Maine: Triplets.
'Nuff said.

What's up with you?
India: My baby is growing up!
YOU HAVE THREE MORE!! I'm sorry, I'm done. I just... triplets.

Either the same day or the following day was Tucson's birthday. I honestly don't remember.

Here he is! My evil boy! Can't wait to see him as a teen!


And now I shall spam you with rooms.

Tucson (Rug didn't render...)


Maerwen (Because she's insane I pretty much just threw every random thing in)



Tucson: (Hehehe, now I have younger sisters to exploit!)

Tucson: Hello dear, sweet sibling whom I love very much. Would you like a hug from big brother Tucson?

Bijou: Heehee! Tucsy! Hug Tucsy!!

Tucson: *Yoink*
Bijou: Huh?

Tucson: Hehe, success!

Tucson: Maybe next time, kid! Mwahahaha!!!

Bijou: Nooooooooo! Bad Tucsy!!!!



(India still needed to wear her boots...)

(There's Maine's mom)

(I think this picture was just to point out how much I love the outdoor lighting!)

(This was me seeing the "Be Frisky" interaction and wondering what it did...)

(The tickling escalated to this...)
/End Wedding Spam!


Tucson is learning how to make evil potions and whatnot...

And this is just to show how Maerwen's formal wear still has sneakers :)

And lastly, Bingo grew into an elder pooch!


Thanks for reading! Comments are always appreciated :) I will also post a separate post for my college chapter, so look out for that!

Don't stop believin',


  1. Hang on, you can have sims walk the bride down the aisle? :o

    1. Unfortunatly, no. That is just a pose I have for the pose box! That would be cool if you could, though!
