
Moore Family Legacy: 3.3

First update of 2013 HOLLA!! Not saying much, considering this chapter should have been out WAY earlier. Like, back in 2012 most defiantly! Anyway, enjoy and all that...


Last Time: 
India aged up, Vaughn passed away, making Reina decide to go to the Underworld along with him, things were sad, Alexis and Mac aged up, Maine moved in with his cats Jasper and Mura, Alexis got engaged to her boyfriend and moved out, and Maine and India did inappropriate things in a tree house. COMMENCE!

Missed Something?
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This chapter, like most of my chapters, is starting with a birthday! Morgan's birthday!

Here he is! Morgan got handy as his final trait. Time to get him married off!

Why hullo thur

Morgan: Jax, I love you, will you marry me?
Jax: Oh my

Jax: No.
Morgan: Wha-

Morgan: What?
dat face

Jax: What can I tell ya?
Paxton: Bahaha! Sucks to suck!

Jax: It's bad luck to agree to marriage when first asked.
No. That's not a thing.

Morgan: So, how about now?

Paxton: So adorable.

Bye Morgan and Jax! Make me some colorful-haired babies!


India: Uh, Maine?
Maine: Uh... huh-mmph?
India: Maine!

Maine: Oh, okay, I'm listening.

India: Well, uhm...

India: I'm pregnant.

Maine: :D

Maine: Ohmygodthisissowonderfulweneedtogetmarriedandbuybabythingsand-

India: Woah woah, woah. Woah.

India: Look, we're both intellectual people, right? Marriage isn't necessary, its just a social convention that is over valued by today's society. Its seems excessive; counter-intuitive.

India: We love each other and that's enough, is it not?

India: Is it not?

Maine: What? Well, I-

Maine: Okay. Whatever makes you happy, India. I love you more than anything.

India: Thank you, Maine. I love you too.


<3 cats


I took away the second massage chair to put in a chess table for the intellectuals in the household.

Maine: Alright now, India, I know chess isn't your favorite game, so don't get upset if I beat you into the ground. You'll get better!

India: Is that so? Hmmmmm...

India: Well... Checkmate?

Maine: Wha-? How?

Maine: Well played, my love. You are an worthy adversary.

Maine: Worthy, indeed.



Mac: Haha you're old!
Paxton: So are you!


Side note: Check out Maine's monster SUV!


Maine: Awww Snowy noooo!
(Maine is a cat person, in case you forgot)

Grimmy: Coochy-coo! Commere wittle kitty! *Pat pat, snuggle*
Um, Mr. Reaper seems to have a soft spot for animals!

Rest in peace, Snowy.
She will stay with her beloved Reina <3


Maine: The stars...

Maine: They're beautiful!
You're so cute, Maine!


I feel for the light sleeping sims, because I am actually an insomniac in real life.
I feel ya bro!


The time. 'Tis nigh. 

This man loves his cats :)

India: Maine....
Maine: Oh my goodness! I almost stubbed my toe! That would have been painful!


They eventually made it to the hospital!
This is Tuscon Moore! I'll give you his traits in a second.

For some reason, Mrs. Buttlesworth has the highest relationship with Tuscon... Um...

Here he is! Isn't he a cutie? He rolled evil, which I am VERY happy about. First evil sim in the legacy, I believe!

Oh yes. He is evil alright. He's stolen my heart! HOHOHOHAHAHAIAMSOFUNNY


Who ya gonna call? (I really need to stop with these crappy one-liners)

In all seriousness, Maine got his first ghost-busting gig.
Maine: Watch out! I'm here to kick some ectoplasmic ASS! 

Maine: Alright kid, your ghost problem is taken care of. But, if you want my expert opinion, turn off these green and yellow lights. It's real freaky, bro. Real freaky.


Here is Tuscon's room, if anyone cares.


Maine: Carry on my wayward soooooooon. There'll be peace when you are dooooone

Maine: Lay your weary head to rest, don't you cry no mo- -wha?
Mac: Hello, Maine.
Maine: Hello. I was just-

Mac: I think you should come with me.


Maine: Paxton?
Paxton: Hello, Maine. Sit down.

Mac: Why hasn't there been a wedding?
Maine: Wha-? That's what this is about?

Maine: Look, I've tried. I asked her, and she shot me down. Hard. But I picked myself up.

Maine: You guys now how Indy is. She thinks marriage is unnecessary. I don't know what to do. 

Paxton: We know India is a little thick-headed at times. You just have to keep trying. Show her how much it means to you. India is not a compassionate person in any form of the word, but I'm sure she cares about you enough to do this for you.

Maine: Right. I'll keep trying.


AAAANNNNDDDD.... That's where I'm going to end! Hope you enjoyed! I want to apologize for my absence, because I had plenty of opportunities to work on writing this chapter, and didn't. BUT, I've been playing a lot (SEASONS XD) so I have MANY-A-PICTURES. Hopefully I'll kick my lazy ass into high gear for the next chapter. But no promises

Thanks for being more awesome than me,
Jenna :)


  1. Haha girl, I know what you mean about having lots of opportunity to write but choosing not too... ;D

    I loved Maine in this chapter, he just had a lot of adorable moments!

    But zoinks! TUSCONISSOCUTEAHHH!!! :D And I love his name too! EEP :D

    And I may or may not be sensing some drama brewing when it comes to the subject of marriage... we shall see I suppose!

    Great chapter!

    <3 Taryn (aka Gitsubishi on livejournal) :)

    1. I am way to easily susceptible to laziness!

      Maine is ridiculously adorable! <3

      I am SOOO happy with how Tuscon turned out! He stayes cute as he ages too! (He's a teen in my game, by the way. That's how far ahead I am!)

      Not too much drama, but you know. Maybe a little! >.<

      Thanks for the comment, as always Taryn! <3 :D Jenna
