I had a little photo shoot with the whole family in their costumes (Except for Bijou who I lost the pictures for because apparently I can never do anything right *-* )
Just so you know, everyone ages up this time. Well, all the kids at least... There are seriously so many birthdays that I have to apologize. I mean wow. I did not mean for that to happen but.... well whatever just read on!
Aw, man I think I am getting worse at getting these things out! I mean I am to the point in game where I can't even play anymore because everyone is at heir poll age so I can't really continue... But anyway! I have Island Paradise now, but once again it will be a while before you see anything from that. I'm blathering. Enjoy.
Hey howdy hey people! I got University Life! And I am currently working on a special chapter of back in the day when India and Maine were in college! I think you'll enjoy it as much as I do! But, for now, here is another regular chapter! Enjoy! :)
Hey hey hey! Look who it is! Merah! I managed to squeeze out this chapter in less than a year! *Gasp* (Unlike last time...) Anyways, as always, there is a link right below so you can refresh your memories. Hope you enjoy, and feedback is appreciated as always! Commence!
First update of 2013 HOLLA!! Not saying much, considering this chapter should have been out WAY earlier. Like, back in 2012 most defiantly! Anyway, enjoy and all that...