
Moore Family Legacy: 2.7

   Welcome to the last chapter of Generation 2! (What is it with me and 7 chapters per generation?) This time we play with pets and meet Morgan's future spouse. That's about it. Just a short chappie to finish off the generation! HEIR POLL AT THE END!


Last Time:
Bravo was cute, Alexis had a birthday, India met her future spouse (Maine), Paxton had a birthday, Mac moved the family to Appaloosa Plains, a barn was built for Cameo the horse, Reina got an elder cat named Snowy, Alexis met HER future spouse (Keenan), Morgan ALSO had a birthday, and a Teen Party was had!

Missed Something?
2.1 | 2.2 | 2.3 | 2.4 | 2.5 | 2.6 |


Alexis decided to learn how to ride Cameo to impress Keenan!

Congrats, Lexi! You got on!
Alexis: This is so horrifying...


While we're on pets, Reina is taking care of her precious Snowy

Reina: Who's my little kitty cat? You are, you are!!

Reina: Yes you are!

Reina: Huggzie-wuggzie!

Snowy: >__<


Bravo: I better get a treat for this later...

Reina: I can't resist!


Alexis made it outside the barn!
Alexis: Okay, here we go...

Alexis: Agh!
Your doing it wrong!


Alexis: Oh thank goodness I'm alive!

Alexis: Oh!

Alexis: I love you too, Cameo.


Morgan: Oh. My. Awesome.

???: *Gasp*

???: Hey you!

Morgan: Me?
???: Yes you!

???: Get over here!

???: Are you crazy? Do you want to be seen?
Morgan: Uh... no?

???: You must be new here. We aren't supposed to be up here, ya know.

Morgan: Oh, I'm sorry. My family just moved here, and I love dinosaurs!
Jax: That's fine, buckaroo! I'm Jax Day! Pleased to meet you!

Morgan: Why are you in that dress?
Jax: Why aren't you in a tux? Everyday is an event worth celebrating!
Morgan: Sure it is.


This is a picture of India showing off Bravo's ability to sit...
I think. I don't know why this is here, actually.

And this, too. Why is this picture here?
(I love how I put it in anyway!)


Morgan and Jax have been meeting at the dinosaur for the past few days. <3

Jax: I wish I could see one of these in person. I wonder if they ate fried chicken?
I don't think they did, dear...

Morgan: Maybe you could! My sister India is a great inventor. I'll bet she could make a time machine! I can ask if she will build one for us.

Jax: You would do that for me?

Jax: Thank you, Tuna head!
What? Tuna head? Why?

Morgan: See you later.
Nawwwww! <3

Jax: What just happened?

Jax: Not now, Snaggletooth!

Snaggletooth: Have fun with the dinosaurs, Jax! I hope you get eaten!
That's disturbing...

Jax: Very funny, Snaggletooth. But they'll never eat me.... alive! ;)
... I don't know either.


Vaughn: Bad boy! No chewing the sofa!

Oh no! Sad face! :(

No worries, all better!


India got to work on that time machine.


The kitchen got a little make-over, which I like much better because it was too big before!

I had to make room for this little room!

Nice and cozy, I guess.

This is the inhabitant, the new butler!
Frankly, I forget her name. So she will be called Ms. Buttlesworth! 
You get it? Like Buttersworth but with buttle instead of butter?
(I thought it was funny...)


India: Done!
Looks a little small...

... Never mind.
India: You want to test it out before Jax comes?
Morgan: Okay?


Bam! End generation 2! Now, I want to work on generation 3, but I have to fix my CC first...
Oh well, ces't la vie! 

May the odds be EVAH in your favor!

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